Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Travel: Bari, Italy

If you follow me on Twitter you'll know I spent the last few days with family in Italy.
Now, when it comes to travelling, I'm pretty organised... to the point where I was pretty much packed a week in advance. So when it came to 10:30am on Saturday, I'd been ready for around four hours already.

I was pretty gutted I didn't grab the window seat on the plane - hello, where is the obligatory shot of the sky?! 

We arrived in Bari by 9pm and headed straight to my Aunt's for food.
The view from the balcony was a bit soggy and grey the next morning but the life on that street was like no other.

The temptation to pick that plump lemon from the tree was very strong! I just about managed to resist. I'm hoping, one day, I'll have a little place of my own with enough room for beautiful things like lemon trees and flowers.

An abandoned, derelict cinema in Santo Spirito - it was exquisite! It would have been great to have a nosey inside but unfortunately it was all boarded up. 
Imagine turning it in to a house!

Later that night, me and a few others took the dog for a walk and somehow managed to slip in to a little cake shop - we may or may not have left with around 16 of these beauties.

Despite it being a little early in the season for blood oranges we were lucky enough to get our hands on a few. My, oh my, they were perfect!  

It was lovely to take the weekend off - no phone, internet, boring stuff - and just spend it with family. It's not often I'll have the opportunity to do things like this, soaking up the atmosphere, people, culture... and food.


  1. Just wow - all those pastries and that lemon - you have a better sense of resistance then me that's for sure.
