Saturday, 28 December 2013

Mindful Planning

After the chaos of Christmas it was enlightening to sit down and have a couple of hours to plan - mindfully.

Through reading, talking to people and my own research I've found that mindfulness is a key part of how function and live on a day-to-day basis. 

Loosely, it involves being aware, and of course mindful, of what you are doing and how you are doing it. Without sounding to cliché, mindfulness encompasses living now, and firmly in the present. What has already happened is done and with the lessons learnt in mind it is time to live. 

After taking the time to read about certain Yoga practises and mindfulness I've found they both closely border and complement one another. In a sense that it's easy to forget where you are, what you're doing and how you're really feeling, thus leading Yoga to reengage you and aid you in becoming aware.

So hopefully, in the new year, I will make a concerted effort to stay mindful and keep up with yoga practise. Challenging but realistic goals that will feasibly enrich my health and well being.

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